"They don't see me as an art, but I drew pictures in your mind.
I made thoughts gone wild with my words that were colored with black and white."
-Laezee (Art of Writing)

Monday, December 5, 2016

Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name) *Review*

Do you believe in destiny? Well here's the best epic anime movie I watched where I can relate that fate will do everything for two souls to meet and become one. Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name).
PS. I will do my best not to spoil everything.

Kimi No Na Wa or Your Name as it's english title, is a science fiction fantasy about love and destiny. The story revolves around Taki Tachibana the male lead character who lives in Tokyo and Mitsuha Miyamizu where they unknowingly noticing at first that their soul got switch, and believing it was only a dream. After knowing that they did switch, both tried to live the life of the other by giving notes to refrain from destroying one's daily routine and life. Taki and Mitsuha, still don't know why their souls got switched places.

Upon watching the movie, I was immediately hooked with it's intro music. I was focusing on the english sub of the song and there I got really intrigue on what the movie will tell.

The beginning of the story will make you curious why the characters were acting like that.  It was a bit boring for me since most of the scenes were just conversations of real life happenings. I can even relate to some and even consider their situation is really happening to some. But it didn't stop me from watching.

As the mysterious event continuously happening to the main characters, my level of curiosity on what will happen in the ending urged me to fast forward it. I was expecting another heartbreaking ending that time, since the creator of 5 Centimeters per Second was also the creator of  Your Name. But thankfully, I was able to control myself. I continued watching.

When I was about to reach the climax of the story, where both of them came to realize that everything was not a dream, I was amazed on how the idea of body switching happened to the main characters. It symbolizes that if two souls were meant to be, they are really connected no matter what. This thought crossed my mind and praise the idea of the creator on how they represent this fate attachment to the movie.

In the middle of climax, a tragic event came and shattered the hearts of the characters, even mine was shattered that time. I was really caught off guard by the situation. I started crying and can't help but to feel and sympathize the heartbreaking event. It clearly shows that in an instant, a person that means a lot to you, can be gone unnoticed.

*Dem I'm crying again while writing this review*

"Love can move mountains." This was proven by Taki in the story. After knowing that Mitsuha was gone, along with the trails left by her in his life, his life turned up side down. He started to search and search for Mitsuha. Traveled to rural places, collecting all the memories and trying to locate where Mitsuha can be found.

After searching everywhere, Taki was able to know the truth, the reason behind why they stopped switching places. He reached the city where Mitsuha lives and found no trace of life. I can really felt the emptiness of Taki at that time.

And at the shrine where they felt each other's presence but can't see each other. It was like knowing that your love is there but can't tell who was it. And it was twilight time and they were transported back to their own bodies and finally see each other for the first time.

Taki and Mitsuha forget each other's name at that time. So they decided to write each other's name on their hands. And before Mitsuha could write hers, Taki was already gone. And when Mitsuha read on what Taki had written, instead of his name, it was "I Love You." Taki was already in love with Mitsuha. My emotions burst out that time, and tears poured a lot. I was draining that time.

Years went by and the city where Mitsuha lives was saved because of the warning that Taki have said to Mitsuha. Both grew and lived without any memory left from what had happened between them. But they know deep inside, both were trying to find something. As they felt that something has gone missing but they couldn't find it.

Time comes where their paths finally met. Emotions were uncontrollable and brought to tears. They already knew and found what they were looking for ever since. They were looking for each other...

Your Name was indeed an amazing movie for those who believe on Love and Fate. The movie struck me so much and made moving on so so hard. It even made me Hopeless Romantic even more. hahahah~

It was indeed a happy and satisfying ending for me. I even thought of it as the continuation of 5 Centimeters per Second which had an ending that totally broke my heart. I even hope to find my destined partner soon. I just wish he's still alive. XD


I do recommend to everyone to watch this anime.
I tried my best not to spoil the entire movie because it is best to watch it without prior thoughts, and surprise your heart on what the movie will imprint to your mind, heart and soul.

As an over all, I give it a 10/10 score. I'm really speechless. I even watch it for the nth time, and still, I found myself crying yet happy and hopeful for my own love story.


Thank you for reading my review on the anime movie Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name). I hope you enjoy it! <3

~I just want to know Your Name~
-Leizel ^^

Friday, November 18, 2016



I miss those days when I have a lot of time, when I worry on what  I should do next. 
And staring at blank space became my hobby; reflecting on what I can do best.
Now my time in a day isn't enough, sometimes sleeping I never had a chance.
Stress and depression became part of me;
My day to day life, I felt like dying.
Being an adult sure is tough, I wish I could come back,
--be a child and nothing to worry.
But time won't let me, I have no choice but---
            to face the world that is full of sadness and jealousy.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Only me, after all

Only me, after all

I've always thought that someday, I will meet the man of my dreams. I will meet him at the most unexpected time, where the universe will conspire just for us to fulfill our destiny. We will fall instantly with each other's eyes; will catch every breath in every smile. I will wait for him no matter what, for I believe I was born for someone.

Days went by, as days turned into months, and months turned later to years. I kept praying and believing that he's out there, same as me, waiting and searching. High hopes in every new day, wishing that someday our paths will meet half way; holding on to what everyone called  'fate'.

I was searching everywhere, I traveled anywhere. I met different people along the way, but none of them fits in the missing piece I was looking since then.

I learned a lot as I wait. I got tired and bored almost every other day. I started to ask if I am really meant for someone. "How long should it take to make it more special?"

My heart got tired and eventually realized. It's time for me to stop and forget all my beliefs about fate and love. Not everyone of us was made to be with someone.

Sometimes life isn't about finding true love and be with someone. True love and real happiness exists within us. Life is no fairy tale at all; contentment and acceptance is what we should ask for.

Maybe this happy ending of mine doesn't involve a wonderful guy. Maybe it's me, on my own, picking up the pieces for a better life. Maybe the happy ending is just moving on.


Monday, August 29, 2016

One Sided Love

One Sided Love

Small talks;
Hidden smirks.
Stolen glimpse;
Drops of tears.

High hopes;
Fall in slope.
Eaten by love;
One sided love.


Sunday, August 7, 2016



People fear rejections;
People loves appreciation.
People will do anything,
To raise themselves above all things.

People loves money,
For it buys a lot of things.
People forget who they were;
The reason why people suffer.


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Risk and Chances

Risk and Chances

How lucky are those who find true love.
They say, "If it's true, love will find it's own way."
I say, "Even if it's true, love will not take the way if you won't let it to."

How lucky are those who take risk to have that chance.

--Leizel Zafra

Wednesday, July 6, 2016



Two different persons;
Two different worlds.
Destined they call it,
Fate that brought it.

Sparks in the eyes;
Feelings that melts like ice.
Smiles that brightens up;
Hearts that cannot be stopped.


Saturday, July 2, 2016



DISCLAIMER: I am really not into writing facts or real events happened in my life or to others. But this post is the exemption to my personal rule of writing. I know it may appear awkward and weird to some because this may involve real emotions of real me, but this is my blog and I am the mind behind this. I just want to share this happy feelings I have now before it will end.

"I may not be lucky in love, but I'm blessed with my life."

Many things did happened in life that changed me as a whole. Both good and bad but I'm really grateful that these things happened, for me to grow and to discover what life really brought for me. Challenges may come, and that's the essence of life. We have to face and conquer it.

I have encountered a lot of surprises in life but this one, and the most recent one was the one that I really didn't thought of. That's why when it came, I was not prepared; the entire me was not prepared.

Hired on the spot is somehow common nowadays, but I noticed it to job opportunities having not that so high qualification (okay, I am not discriminating those who were hired on the spot--that's just my observation). Because we all know that most job employment procedure here in our country, after passing of resume and application letter, applicants will be called for an exam then interview for those who passed and the lucky person gets the spot.

In my case, I could really say that I am really lucky. Everything happened in a week. Yes only a week and I even started my work within that week. Funny right? Or are you bothered what really happened?

Filipino citizens are all aware that a new administration just started the governance over the country. With that, new elected officials were also inaugurated with their designated municipalities and provinces.

I was hired instantly in the Sangguniang Panglunsod of my Municipality even without applying for it. I actually didn't have any idea that one of the councilors needed one.

I am currently a law student and employment is not my top most priority. I wanted a job just to finance my personal wants (how lucky I am to have parents who still support me in everything). I felt frustrated sometimes knowing that I already finished my college degree, already got a job before but I sacrificed it over my studies. I just want to show to my parents that I can really take hold of my life somehow and balance my studies with work.

The top student in our class was the one who recommended me to this job. I really don't know why she choose me, I'm not even an excellent student in class. But maybe we were close friends so she thought of me first (I guess I really live to every mind of my friends hahah). She received a personal message coming from a certain politician who was used to be our professor (so he is a lawyer). She declined the opportunity for the reason that she just gave birth and her children needed her most in their household. So that's the time I came in.

I was asked to submit a resume to our prof (I actually sent it on Monday). Then he accepted it without further questions. He then immediately told me to report by Thursday and start my official duty on Friday. WOW! Just wow!

To be honest, I was really speechless in front of my professor that time. I really don't know how and what to react. Yes I admit that I have plans on working again but I never asked someone to help me to find one, to back up me for me to have a spot. I really don't know how the fate gave it me. I even asked myself if am I a good Samaritan to have this big blessings in life. You really can't tell when life gives to you its surprises.

They say, "It will come when the least you expect it." Well, they mean love with that saying, but I applied it to everything. And same as what just happened, I know, for sure, someday, that true love that everyone is fighting for will come to my life.

Going back....

I am really lucky to have this job since this is in Legislative branch, it is really connected and inclined with my lawyering degree. And as to the assignments given to me, I was expected to hold cases, make resolutions and help in drafting a new code for the betterment of the city in a specific field. Legal researcher it is if in Judiciary branch. Kinda heavy, that is.

I am really anxious on thinking about my assignments. Knowing that my head was my former teacher, for sure he has expectations on me, and the fact I was recommended by our top placer in class; the pressure is really on me! 

But I don't mind. I know and I believe, everything happens for a reason. And my fingers are crossed that it is for good. I still considered this as a huge turning point of my career and student life. I am really blessed to have this opportunity. I'm always positive in life!

And July 1, 2016, marks my first official duty as a public servant. To God be the Glory.


Friday, June 24, 2016

Love A Writer

Love A Writer

They're known as quiet persons;
Emotionally unstable they call.
Inspired by the lives of all;
Living with a pen to hold.

Your existence will never end;
Their feelings will never fade.
You will be remembered each day;
Like a nightmare you cannot escape.

You will feel special in every letter;
Your story will be written in paper.
It's the only way they express it better,
For you to be remembered forever.


Monday, June 13, 2016

A Letter to Remember: Birth to Life

A Letter to Remember: Birth to Life

To someone they call "I", 

I was born in this world having nothing. I was no one and I don't know how to do things properly. I don't know love, hate and anger back then. All I know is to smile and laugh until my day ends. 

I don't care what I look like. I don't care what it feels like. I don't care what people would tell me. I don't have any worries that would bother me.

I am always afraid of other people. I always hide behind my mother. Always too shy to say 'hi'. Never dared to make friends through a smile. 

I would always remember my parents would say, "Don't talk to someone who you do not know." Giving me fear on meeting a stranger. I locked myself up with small circle of friends. Acting like they're the only ones I know.

I stayed up all day playing with dirt. Running around like being chased by a monster. I get bruises and wounds around my joints. I cry whenever I'm lost to a new world.

Days went by and I started to grow. I learned a lot of things from what I observe. I always copy what the elders would do, excited to be an adult too. Small things satisfies me; receiving a lollipop is more valuable than money. I see everything to be simple and very easy.

The growing stage was hard. I started to feel hatred and anger towards anyone. I became emotionally imbalance. Always aiming to be noticed by everyone. 

I always want to be praised in all I do, believing I'm always good. I say what I want, and I say what I mean. Nothing can stop me from what I am doing.

I learned to walk alone, I met different people along the road. I learned to adjust and accept my defeat. I learned to where my place should be. And I learned to consider what others would feel.

I started to have my own dreams. To be someone who I admire to be. Having thoughts to help my parents and others. Believing in myself that someday I will prosper.

I'm on my way on making my goals and dreams to reality. It was not that easy as I thought it would be. I learned how to sacrifice and bargain things. Dealing with temptations was a fifty-fifty.

Challenges and problems won't leave me. Stress and depression became part of me. How lucky I was to find true friends. Who stayed and help me give colors in my world of sadness.

Years went by and I'm going near, too near in fulfilling my dreams. I took my college degree and think more seriously. I became matured to fit in with my surroundings. I took risks and learned everything from it.

I focused heavily to graduate, get a diploma and have a job. But fate was really unexpected for me at that time. I learned to love and I fell for love. I was never prepared to play the game of love.

I don't know how it should be, I don't know if it was real. But it was my first to feel it. And it was my first to meet someone like him...............

to be continued

SOON: A Letter to Remember: Your First Love

Neither of Us

Neither of Us

"I didn't plan on knowing you, neither of us planned it. I didn't intend to have connections, neither of us intended it. I didn't mind of knowing more, neither of us mind it. But I did hold back, because neither of us liked it."


Saturday, June 11, 2016

Art of Writing

Art of Writing

"They don't see me as an art, but I drew pictures in your mind. I made thoughts gone wild, through my words that were colored with black and white."


Friday, June 10, 2016



I called you bae,
You just smiled.
You walk away,
And say---


Monday, June 6, 2016

You Alone

You Alone

You see life as a mess,
Having no more progress.
All of them are watching,
Finding mistakes and lying.

Where are your friends?
Those you call best friends.
Are they here to support you?
Or they're the ones who laugh at you?

You look around and see,
No one cared except for beauty.
You started to feel weak,
Thinking 'no ones's there for me'.

Decided to stand on your own,
Avoiding to have an owe.
You shouted to the world,
'I am no more whirled.'


Love and Pain

Love and Pain

Love and pain always comes in pair. You cannot choose either, nor deny the other. Why? Because, when there is love, pain comes --- feel pain because you loved. 

--Leizel Zafra

Sunday, June 5, 2016



Staring at the window,
Watching as you go.
Raindrops start to fall;
Tears I cannot control.

                          --Leizel Zafra

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Nothing Endures

Nothing Endures

Life is a matter of acceptance;
Taking risks without assurance.
So afraid on what will happen next;
Overthinking on every test.

Life teaches us through decision,
We were gifted with intuition.
But why we ended up regretting?
If it's our conclusion to have it.

Life doesn't have specific rules,
We were given the power to choose.
But why we keep on reminiscing?
If it's our choice to leave it. 

Life is tough and never easy,
We have the strength to fight it.
But why we facilely surrender?
If we started as a great warrior.

Life is indeed hard to understand;
We always tend to be irrational.
Blaming life on every suffering,
Aren't we grateful to be living?

Life is a precious and sacred gift,
We were chosen to take care it.
Life may be unfair for some,
Remember, 'This too shall pass.'

                         --Leizel Zafra

Friday, June 3, 2016

Can't have

Can't have

I studied you;
I researched you.
All I did---
was to think of you!

Fallen so deeply;
Feelings so crazy.
I love you,
I can't have you.

                     --Leizel Zafra

Monday, May 30, 2016



Sad people are anywhere;
Broken hearts are everywhere.
One was left by the other;
One was hoping for another.

Gazing at the midnight stars,
Wishing to have a new start.
Praying for someone to come,
'Please save me! I'm done!'

A place has been left empty,
Inside the heart that is beating.
Rushing to find someone;
So tired of being no one,

Paths will cross eventually;
Hearts will love eagerly.
Future might disagree;
True love has time for it.


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Quasi Love

Quasi Love

Love comes unexpectedly,
Love found me accidentally.
Meeting you was unplanned;
Loving you was a chance.

Let me hold your hand for a while;
Take my hand, let’s fly.
You look at me and smiled,
Damn! I just died.

I found the beauty that surrounds me;
How beautiful I became to be.
I never thought this would affect me;
Turning to swan from an ugly duckling.

Many people started to notice me,
But you started to ignore me.
I don’t know why and how,
Your feelings changed somehow.

Were your feelings real?
Or it’s just me assuming?
Can someone tell me if it’s love;
Say to me its love that you have.

I don’t want to end this,
I want to know the reason behind it.
I did my best to hold you tight,
But you said sorry and left me with goodbye.

                                   --Leizel Zafra

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Frustrated Writer

Frustrated Writer

I want to be productive,
I pushed myself to be positive.
My life has been empty,
It felt like I'm nothing.

I opened a story book,
I wrote roughly on my notebook.
I dreamed to write something;
Something that is so inspiring.

A lot of thought running in my head,
So overwhelmed that I wrote ahead.
But before a started to inscribe,
I stopped, I forgot how to transcribe.

This is the problem I used to have,
I'm going there but I tend to stop.
Not that I can't be a writer,
But to have something that I can't render.

                                  --Leizel Zafra

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Someone I need

Someone I Need

I need someone to lean on;
I need someone to hold on.
I need someone who I can deal with,
Who understands every inch of me.

I need someone who will heal my heart;
Collect every piece of my broken heart.
I need someone who will fill in the spot,
That has been empty for no one.

I need someone who will stay by my side;
Always there for me, when I cry.
I need someone who will love me up to the very last;
I need someone, who I can't have.

They say every person is made for someone,
Every one has their own right one.
I don't know if we will truly meet,
The reason why I was born here.

I know someday he will find me,
The guy who need someone like me.
I just need the courage to wait,
Believing that he's on his way.

                       --Leizel Zafra

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sir, I Love You!

Sir, I Love You!
(Dedicated to Miss CDS)

You were always in front of me,
Saying something I couldn't hear.
Maybe because of my surrounding,
Or I'm the one who's not listening.

Time flies and it came;
The time you called my name.
Blood rushed through my veins.
Hoping to answer in a good way.

I couldn't remember how it end;
I wish, I could extend.
That was the first time our eyes met,
The feelings I couldn't forget.

I started to have daydreams,
Having you as my family.
I can't stop but to stare,
Whispering your name in the air.

My love for you always grows;
All I did was to let it flow.
I've always wanted to confess,
To give my heart a time to rest.

Each time I wanted to say this,
I know you won't mind it.
"You were the right one for me,
But right time is what I need."

You're my teacher and I'm your student.
It would be awkward to be your girlfriend.
Maybe it's not yet the time for us,
Please wait for me, I'm coming back.

So before I'll say goodbye,
I just want to tell you, smile.
You never fail to make me happy,
I will treasure you for eternity.

I really want you,
What else can I do.
But please remember this,
And think of me too.

Love was nothing for me,
Not until you came in.
It was a dream come true;
I'm so lucky, I met you!

I'm ready to let go.
Please forgive me.
Sir, I love you!

                                      --Leizel Zafra

Friday, February 5, 2016

Breathe and Success

Breathe and Success

When I make every night to a day;
And every second can't be a waste.
It has been a life changing phase;
I know someday, I'll reach my success.

But along the way, I need to have a break;
To weigh everything and contemplate.
Because a lot may happen along the way,
That could give confusion and create a mistake.

                                                 --Leizel Zafra

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Only ME

Only Me

"You will know if it's him. You just have to discover it."

It was during the Second Semester of my third year in college when I met someone.
Someone who I never knew it was;
Someone who changed my life.

He became my classmate in one of my subject.
He sits on my left back wing, around two chairs away from me.
He is a bit shy but too cute when he smiles.
I instantly fall for him, without knowing why.

He is not that handsome and manly same as Chris Evans,
but I could compare him to a male korean lead star.
Having small eyes, shy, cute, and quiet.
He is the boy who stole my heart.

It felt like I was filming a drama that time.
Caught him stealing a glimpse, making me blush inside.
Same as those korean dramas when a guy finds a girl pretty,
making me assume that he likes me secretly.

He covers his face when we accidentally face each other,
I don't know why but it always bothers.
I can't forget your deep dimpled smile,
I just can't stop it but to fall again twice.

As days went by,
We got closer and he's always there by my side.
I couldn't remember how or when it started, it just happened.
I got a chance to know him better,
Hearing my heart shouting for 'help her' .

My feelings became so much addictive,
I think I'm high like I've taken a narcotic.
I admit this was the first time,
And I called it 'love at first sight'.

Everyday he is in my mind, 
like a food that I crave every time.
I compare him to every boy I met,
Closing any potential relationship with other men.

His name always pops up in my head when I talk about relationship.
Made me write my name with his surname on it.

I think I am going crazy and possessive,
Like taking too much medicine, it becomes so addictive.
But I have a big problem to deal with,
I have no assurance if he's ready to catch me;
I'm really falling.

Yes, it was a one sided love.
Without a guarantee to be loved.
Because for all those time, it was only me;
Having high hopes and daydreams.

In the end,
I was the only one who is hoping.
I was the only one dreaming to be with him.
And there,
I was the only one who is LOVING.

                                                   --Leizel Zafra

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Begging for Love

Begging for Love

I just want you to love me,
the way I loved you.
And tell me that you love me,
the way I told you.

I can't live without you,
live with me too.
But you said your sorry,
"I can't love you."

                                    --Leizel Zafra

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Gray Sands ► Seaside

Captured during low tide
while my brother and sister-in-law together with my baby nephew,
enjoying the view.

It's been a while since me and my family went to a beach. I did miss swimming under the sun, having sun burned skin and most of all, the touch of sea breeze. It's really relaxing to feel the cold breeze as it touches your body; making you forget all the worries in the world. And it reminds me and you on one of the teachings in life that the sea have taught us over the years, "Sometimes, we must go with the waves." Yes, so true! We just learned how to go with the flow.

High tides occur during sunset.

Some of you would definitely notice the color of the sand, yes it is gray. Gray sand beaches is very common here in the Philippines specifically in Mindanao region where we, General Santos City is located. We also do have white sand beaches but you need to travel far (from one province to another), because it can be found kilometers away from the city, hidden beauty they call. But if you would prefer just to relax and enjoy the sea without travelling too far, so here we are. Welcome to Gray Sands of Gensan!


More nature photography @ LaezeeWay Flickr Albums